Family by Choice- Episodes 5-6
A Tense Dinner, Hidden Feelings, and an Emotional Reconciliation
This episode kicks off with tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Dae-wook is stunned to discover that Jung-hee’s unexpected visit sparked a fierce argument between San-ha and Hae-joon. The boys try to outdo each other in petty jabs during dinner, only for Dae-wook to reprimand them for their rude behavior. Frustrated, both San-ha and Hae-joon storm off, leaving their plates half-full, and Jung-jae scolds Dae-wook for making things worse instead of defusing the situation.
Fast-forward a week, and Joo-won confides in Dal about the awkward atmosphere at home ever since the argument. Determined to mend the rift between her “brothers,” she sets a goal: to get San-ha and Hae-joon back on good terms before Hae-joon’s birthday. With his aunt Yi-hyun notorious for making surprise visits on his birthday, the pressure is on.
In a moment of inspiration, Joo-won hatches a sneaky plan—she invites San-ha and Hae-joon on a bike date disguised as a friendly outing. Of course, neither boy wants to go, but they fall right into her trap. To ensure success, Joo-won ropes in Dal for backup, hoping the group date will help rebuild their friendship.
The bike date kicks off, and things get chaotic fast—half the school turns up for the ride. Joon-ho, the guy who’s been trying to win Joo-won’s heart, adds fuel to the fire by attempting to ride alongside her, sparking a bit of jealousy from the boys. Meanwhile, Dal arrives late and, unfortunately, finds herself harassed by a group of boys in the park. Joo-won, exhausted from the bike ride, rushes to Dal’s aid but faints from the effort.
Seeing Joo-won in distress, San-ha and Hae-joon leap into action, misinterpreting the situation and pummeling the boys who harassed Dal. What started as an innocent day out quickly spirals into a trip to the police station. Back at the restaurant, Jung-jae and Dae-wook are deep in discussion about buying a second-hand car for the boys when Dae-wook gets the dreaded call: the kids are in trouble with the police.
At the station, Dae-wook insists on punishment, but the harassed boys decide to let things slide. Outside, Joo-won defends San-ha and Hae-joon’s actions, explaining that they were only trying to protect her. Dal’s mom, worried sick, scolds her daughter for sneaking off instead of going to her academy, forcing Dal to lie that San-ha was tutoring her for an upcoming exam.
Back home, San-ha and Hae-joon stage a fake reconciliation to keep Joo-won happy, but their grudge simmers beneath the surface. They bicker behind closed doors, agreeing to keep up the charade until things cool down. For now, Joo-won is relieved, convinced her brothers are finally back to normal.
However, the next day brings new drama. A rumor spreads at school that Dal has feelings for Hae-joon. Hui-ju, ever nosy, confronts Hae-joon, who brushes it off by saying Dal is more like a little sister. Joo-won, ever the meddler, tries to push Dal to confess her feelings, but Dal overhears Hae-joon’s dismissive words and is heartbroken. Joo-won kicks Hae-joon in frustration and comforts Dal, while Dal pretends she’s not interested to quash the rumor.
Later, Joo-won and San-ha head to the mall to buy Hae-joon a birthday gift—basketball shoes. In a playful twist, the cashier mistakes them for a couple and offers a discount, which Joo-won happily accepts, pretending to be San-ha’s girlfriend. Things take a turn when Jung-hee and her daughter So-hee show up at the same mall. So-hee chases after San-ha, trips, and hurts herself, prompting another tense encounter with Jung-hee, who claims San-ha only brings misfortune. Joo-won claps back, insisting that good things happen when San-ha is involved, leaving Jung-hee speechless.
That night, the family gathers for Hae-joon’s birthday dinner, with Aunt Yi-hyun making her usual unwelcome appearance. Yi-hyun suggests Hae-joon move to the U.S. with his biological father, stating that they owe Jung-jae too much already. Jung-jae overhears the conversation, and the room falls silent as the mood sours. Later, Yi-hyun’s snide comments about San-ha being different from Hae-joon hit a nerve, but San-ha stands up for his brother, earning proud smiles from both Joo-won and Hae-joon.
In a touching scene, Hae-joon slips hangover medicine into Jung-jae’s room and quietly apologizes for his aunt’s behavior. Then, he heads to the rooftop, where San-ha and Joo-won are waiting. The boys finally make peace, sharing a quiet but meaningful moment of reconciliation.
But just as things seem to settle, a storm brews on the horizon—Seo-hyun, Hae-joon’s estranged mother, unexpectedly shows up at the restaurant, setting the stage for more drama to come.
Emotional Confrontations, Hidden Pain, and New Beginnings
Episode 6 opens with tension brewing as Seo-hyun returns to see Jung-jae—only to offer him an envelope of cash as payment for raising Hae-joon. Jung-jae is stunned and urges her to meet her son, who’s been waiting ten long years. But Seo-hyun, cold and composed, refuses. She doesn’t want to give Hae-joon any false hope, knowing she can’t take him back. She begs Jung-jae to keep her visit a secret, leaving him conflicted as she walks away.
Jung-jae returns the money, except for the amount he had lent her years ago, but Seo-hyun leaves the envelope behind anyway. Just as she slips away in a taxi, Hae-joon catches a glimpse of her silhouette. Although her face is hidden, the sight triggers a flicker of recognition, though he brushes it off and heads to the rooftop, where San-ha has fallen asleep under a pile of drying clothes.
The peace is soon broken when San-ha receives a panicked call—his little sister, So-hee, has gone missing. Along with Joo-won and Hae-joon, San-ha rushes out to find her. They discover that So-hee stole her mother’s purse to take a cab, determined to visit San-ha. She’s eventually found at a small restaurant in the neighboring village, where the concerned owner had already called the police.
Dae-wook arrives to pick her up, and San-ha scolds So-hee for running away without telling anyone. Just then, Jung-hee storms in, furious. Instead of thanking San-ha, she blames him for So-hee’s behavior. Dae-wook defends San-ha, but Jung-hee sneers, claiming that “family sticks together” no matter what. She demands an apology from San-ha, belittling him for not being grateful that she brought So-hee to visit. San-ha finally snaps, telling her to stop trying to fix something that’s already broken.
The emotional confrontation sends San-ha into a panic attack, haunted by memories of his sister’s death. He walks home in silence, skipping dinner. That night, as San-ha lies awake, Hae-joon reflects on their fight. He tells Joo-won that he finally understands what San-ha meant by a “toxic family”—a truth that hits uncomfortably close to home.
For the next few days, San-ha avoids meals, lost in his thoughts. In quiet solidarity, Hae-joon and Joo-won leave breakfast for him at his seat every morning. One evening, Hae-joon meets San-ha at the bus stop and gently tells him that starving himself isn’t the answer, even if his parents let him down. “I don’t have a mother or a father,” Hae-joon says. “But you’ve got Dae-wook. Talk to him. It’s okay to be embarrassed, just don’t skip meals.”
Touched but stubborn, San-ha shrugs it off, but the warmth in their exchange starts to chip away at his emotional walls. The next day, Joo-won, joined by Dal, delivers breakfast to San-ha’s desk. When he finds a sweet note from Joo-won, San-ha smiles for the first time in days, tucking the message alongside the others she’s left him.
That night, it begins to rain, and Joo-won grows worried when San-ha doesn’t answer his phone. Ignoring the storm, she heads out to search for him. Exhausted and drenched, San-ha stumbles home, where Joo-won finally finds him. Despite his protests to be left alone, she hands him an umbrella and insists he come inside for dinner.
Back at the dinner table, Hae-joon remarks how Joo-won spent an hour in the rain looking for San-ha. Overwhelmed by the gesture, San-ha takes a bite of his meal and suddenly breaks down, tears flowing freely. That night, the three kids sit together on the rooftop, each confessing who they miss most. San-ha admits that he still misses his late sister, and the moment draws them closer. As San-ha slips into a feverish sleep, the family takes turns watching over him through the night.
The next morning, feeling better, San-ha accompanies Dae-wook to his sister’s tombstone. Dae-wook gently tells him that So-jeong’s death wasn’t his fault—it was a tragedy caused by his parents’ mistakes, not his. San-ha feels a weight lift off his shoulders and promises to visit So-jeong’s grave more often from now on.
With things slowly returning to normal, the kids prepare for school. Hae-joon receives a picture from his aunt Yi-hyun, proudly showing off her newborn daughter. Joo-won teases the boys on their way to school, mentioning that Dal’s mother invited them for a fancy meal. San-ha warns that everything in life is transactional, hinting that Dal’s mother might have ulterior motives.
Reluctantly, they agree to the lunch, but the mood sours when Mrs. Park, Dal’s mother, openly insults her daughter. She belittles Dal for not knowing how to order properly and pressures San-ha to help her with math, despite Dal’s visible discomfort. In private, Dal pleads with her mother to stop the public humiliation, but her tears go unnoticed.
After the awkward meal, the kids head to the beach to lighten the mood. While Hae-joon and Joo-won splash in the water, San-ha sits with Dal by the shore, offering her words of encouragement. He tells her that she’s instinctive and has the potential to become a great lawyer, urging her to view her mother as a flawed human rather than a villain. The gesture helps Dal find some comfort.
As Joo-won and Hae-joon fool around in the waves, Hae-joon observes that Dal might have feelings for San-ha, a revelation that clearly unsettles Joo-won. Before she can dwell on it, Hae-joon receives a call from Yi-hyun, summoning him to meet his new niece. Dal heads off to her academy, leaving San-ha and Joo-won alone for the walk home.
At the hospital, Hae-joon learns an unsettling truth: Seo-hyun, his estranged mother, has returned but deliberately avoided meeting him. The news leaves him rattled, and the weight of her absence sinks deeper into his heart.
Back at the restaurant, Jung-jae contemplates how to tell Hae-joon about the envelope of cash Seo-hyun left behind. But before he can say anything, Hae-joon discovers the money on his own. Overwhelmed with frustration, he breaks down, feeling like he’s lost control over his life once again. The idea that his mother has “paid off” her debt to him leaves him emotionally shattered.
Later that evening, Joo-won walks along a ledge, balancing playfully as San-ha holds her hand to steady her. She teases San-ha, saying Hae-joon is too oblivious to notice Dal’s crush. San-ha smirks and responds that Joo-won isn’t any better. Just as she’s about to retort, she slips—but San-ha catches her just in time. The episode ends with Joo-won falling into San-ha’s arms, leaving both of them startled—and maybe, just maybe, a little flustered.
DramaZen's Opinion
Heartache and Hard Truths: A Spotlight on the Dads
This week’s episodes really hit home with the two dads—and wow, they haven’t had it easy. Dad Yoon was absolutely blindsided when Seo-hyun, Hae-joon’s estranged mother, suddenly showed up. Not only did she come bearing an envelope stuffed with cash—repayment for her “debt”—but she also made it clear she wants no part in Hae-joon’s life moving forward. The audacity of it all! She expects Dad Yoon to keep her visit a secret, leaving him to navigate the fallout alone. Even though he tries to return the money, Seo-hyun slips the envelope back before disappearing in a taxi, as if wiping her hands clean of any lingering guilt.
Later, Dad Yoon confides in Dad Kim about what went down—and that’s when things really get gut-wrenching. Our poor Hae-joon overhears every word, and it’s absolutely devastating to watch. His face, a mixture of quiet resignation and sadness, makes it clear just how deeply his mother’s rejection cuts. My heart broke for him in that moment.
In contrast, the standout moment of the week came from Dad Kim, who finally delivered the tough love San-ha’s mother needed to hear. When she tries to play the victim, blaming her struggles on being left alone with the kids while Dad Kim was always working, he doesn’t let her off the hook. “You’re a weak person,” he tells her, “and you were just as much at fault for what happened to our daughter.” Boom. Finally, someone said it! She may have slapped him in response, but honestly, she needed to hear those words.
It’s been heartbreaking to watch San-ha bear the weight of guilt for something that wasn’t his fault, and this confrontation felt like a long-overdue crack in the blame game. If everyone had taken accountability sooner, maybe San-ha wouldn’t have been carrying this burden alone for so long.
That said, it’s hard to shake the feeling that we’re heading for even more heartbreak in the episodes to come—and honestly, I don’t know if I’m emotionally ready for it. But if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that these characters—and their makeshift family—are resilient. Here’s hoping they can weather the storm together.