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Love's Little Delicacies (2024)

Love's Little Delicacies- Episodes 6-10

Recap for Love's Little Delicacies (2024)

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Episode 6: Dark Secrets and Culinary Rivalries

Ji Yu and Shi Guang return to the hotpot restaurant they first visited, hoping to convince the owner to work with them. Initially dismissive, the owner only agrees when Shi Guang offers a hefty 4,000 yuan, which sparks a heated argument between him and Ji Yu back at their hotel. Tempers flare, and Ji Yu, frustrated over the money and wanting the lights on, orders Shi Guang to sleep on the floor. 

In the middle of their spat, the power goes out, plunging the room into darkness—a trigger for Ji Yu, who is haunted by memories of her past with her drunken father.As she struggles through a nightmare, Ji Yu’s tossing and turning wakes Shi Guang, revealing a rare moment of vulnerability. He quietly comforts her through the night, a subtle shift in their relationship.

The next day, they have dinner with the restaurant owner’s family, where the owner's father grumbles about the food being too salty. Everyone else seems to enjoy the meal, but tensions are rising elsewhere. Meanwhile, rival blogger Linda is struggling to master the restaurant’s prized recipe, throwing a tantrum in frustration. Her teacher reassures her that it took him three months to perfect it, but the pressure is on.

Back at the restaurant, Shi Guang not only picks up the recipe quickly but even improves it, crafting a dish that leaves Ji Yu captivated. Yet, in typical fashion, she hides her admiration behind a casual remark, calling it "mediocre." Just as the two seem to be finding their rhythm, Ji Yu gets a call informing her that Linda is challenging them to compete a day earlier than expected.

With time running out and tensions mounting, the stakes in both the competition and their complicated relationship are higher than ever.

Episode 7: A Battle of Culinary Wits

Determined not to back down, Ji Yu and Shi Guang head to the competition venue, only to be greeted by Linda’s attempt at stirring trouble. She mocks Shi Guang’s master, but Shi Guang confidently responds that his cooking will speak for itself. However, Linda isn’t done playing dirty. With her teacher, who also happens to be the main judge, they manipulate the competition, restricting Shi Guang from using the usual cooking supplies.

Forced to improvise, Shi Guang uses a simple rice cooker, but his resilience frustrates Linda. In a last-ditch effort, she has one of her staff "accidentally" bump into Ji Yu, causing her to burn her hand. Shi Guang immediately rushes to her side, cooling her burn under water before returning to finish his dish.

When it’s time for the tasting, the audience and even the judge know Shi Guang's dish is superior, but the corrupt judge still tries to hand the victory to Linda. Just before she can bask in her supposed win, the father of Shi Guang’s teacher arrives with a surprise.

Episode 8: An Unexpected Champion

As the official guardian of the original Pinsanxian recipe, Mr. Wang steps in, tastes the dishes, and overrules the crooked judge’s decision, declaring Shi Guang the true winner. While Shi Guang celebrates with his master, Ji Yu receives a shocking phone call from Jiang Yang: her father has just been released from prison.

Overcome with emotion, Ji Yu isolates herself in the hotel room, where Shi Guang finds her crying. In a moment of raw vulnerability, she reveals the physical scars left by her abusive father and opens up about her painful past. Shi Guang listens, comforting her until she falls asleep.

With his concern for Ji Yu growing deeper, Shi Guang reaches out to Jiang Yang, wanting to know more about her troubled history. Meanwhile, Xia Mu seethes, furious that his latest scheme to sabotage them has failed yet again. The stakes are only getting higher as the competition—and their personal struggles—intensify.

Episode 9: Hidden Feelings Unveiled

On their way to the next mission town, Ji Yu and Shi Guang take a detour for a quiet picnic. While Shi Guang cooks, Ji Yu playfully films him, collecting footage for their competition. In a rare moment of vulnerability, Shi Guang reveals that his passion for cooking began because of his first love. As the pieces fall into place, it becomes clear—Ji Yu was his first love all along. She tastes the meal and is struck by a sense of familiarity but can’t quite place it, while Shi Guang mutters under his breath, “I learned this recipe from you.”

Later, as they get back in the car, Shi Guang casually asks Ji Yu what kind of guy she likes. She brushes him off with a laugh, teasingly describing Bruno Mars from a CD in her car. But before their banter can continue, someone crashes into the back of their car—Linda. 

In yet another scheme with Xia Mu, Linda plays the “green tea” act, trying to cozy up to Shi Guang in an attempt to make Ji Yu jealous. However, her plans backfire, and they all end up at the same hotel, sharing an awkward dinner. Disgusted by Linda’s behavior, Ji Yu leaves the table early, only for Shi Guang to follow her.

He finds Ji Yu indulging in junk food, despite her earlier claim that she was full. Smirking, he calls her out, asking her, “You like me, don’t you?” She tries to brush it off, but Shi Guang presses on, convincing her to eat the noodles he made by saying it’s a sin to waste food. The taste brings back memories of her mother, and as Ji Yu softens, Shi Guang promises to always cook her delicious meals—hinting at a future filled with more than just food between them.


Episode 10: Schemes, Scandals, and Unspoken Promises

The next morning, Ji Yu and Shi Guang are bombarded by backlash from their fans. A video has surfaced, making it seem like they were caught getting cozy inside their car after the accident. Unknown to them, Linda had planted a hidden camera in her necklace and filmed the scene from an angle that made it appear like they were kissing.

Furious, Shi Guang confronts Linda, hoping to retrieve the footage and set things right. But Linda takes it a step further—shoving Shi Guang onto the bed just as Ji Yu walks in, making it look like they were in the middle of a secret rendezvous. Hurt and angry, Ji Yu storms off, telling Shi Guang he’s only made things worse and that Linda might have filmed more damning footage just now.

Desperate to clear their names, Ji Yu suggests they film a clarification video about their relationship. As they scramble to fix the growing scandal, a flashback reveals Ji Yu’s past with Xia Mu. He had once promised her that they’d announce their relationship to the public when the time was right, leaving her disappointed and in the shadows.

Back in the present, Shi Guang watches Ji Yu sleep, tenderly covering her with a blanket. Unwilling to make the same mistake as Xia Mu, Shi Guang vows silently that he won’t hide their connection—he refuses to deny the future relationship they’re both inching towards.

DramaZen's Opinion

Opinion of Love's Little Delicacies (2024)

Linda and Xia Mu are really getting on my nerves. All their diry little tricks are annoying. Xia Mu is the worst while hiding behind others to do all his dirty deeds. I can't wait till Karma hits these two hard!

The leads are continuing to grow on me as the drama progresses. I can't say this is the best drama I've ever seen, but for a mini-series it gets a solid 6 stars from me. Over the years I've seen way worse and believe me when I say these two are decent at acting. They just seem a bit new to the acting game, but I'm not very familiar with either one of them.

I can also see that her father will play some type of role at some point in this drama by making a reappearance now that he is released from prison. I hope he doesn't hurt her too badly or someone else for that matter. I get the inkling that somehow Xia Mu will end up teaming up with him. Scumbags unite!!!!!

Overall, story wise it hasn't been too bad. I enjoy watching them make the different recipes and everything looks super yummy so far. Nom Nom...Im eating a chocolate muffin right now to curb my appetite. Just what I need!...🤣


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