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Love Andante (2024)

Love Andante- Episode 4

Recap for Love Andante (2024)

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Episode 4 kicks off with Na-gyeong dropping a barely coherent Ju-hyeong at home, just as Gyeong-ho predicted. While Ju-hyeong collapses on the sofa, Na-gyeong whips up a quick noodle dish. Initially, Ju-hyeong tries to resist, but the enticing aroma and his growling stomach win out, and before he knows it, he’s devoured nearly the entire meal himself.

Meanwhile, Ju-hui is doing her best to steer clear of Gyeong-ho, knowing exactly what recording he’s referring to. Gyeong-ho, on the other hand, gets a call from Na-gyeong’s dad, giving a reassuring report about her well-being—conveniently leaving out the part where she’s been sharing a house with a man.

The next morning, Ju-hyeong wakes up to a surprise. Not only does he have a fever and a sore back, but Na-gyeong had quietly covered him with a blanket and even prepared some porridge. Despite his usual complaints about the bland taste, he eats it and starts feeling better.

During her morning run, Gyeong-ho presses Na-gyeong about her feelings for Ju-hyeong, but she flatly denies any interest. Though skeptical, Gyeong-ho lets it slide, but his suspicions grow when Na-gyeong shows up late to work, offering the excuse that she was taking care of Ju-hyeong.

Elsewhere, the pregnant North Korean couple checks in with the doctor, who advises the mother to take it easy and prescribes supplements for her health.

Feeling refreshed after his meal and medicine, Ju-hyeong decides to tidy up the mess Na-gyeong left behind, cleaning the dishes and straightening up the house.

Later that evening, he takes a walk and bumps into Jun-mo. The two bond over feelings of loneliness, with Ju-hyeong revealing he came to the village to escape the pressures of his celebrity life. Exhausted from his relentless schedule, he needed a break. Jun-mo sympathizes, assuring him that everyone in the village is there for their own reasons and encourages Ju-hyeong to use the time to heal. The conversation hits home for Ju-hyeong.


Inspired, Ju-hyeong stops by Na-gyeong’s workplace to thank her. She’s taken aback when he teases her about her cooking, but secretly relieved to see him doing well. What really leaves her speechless is when Ju-hyeong, in a rare moment of vulnerability, thanks her for coming into his life. After the heartfelt admission, he quickly flees, embarrassed by his own honesty.

Later, Na-gyeong finds herself in need of his help again—this time, her car’s battery dies, and she asks him to help push it. As they wait for the car to charge, they gaze at the stars, only for something to fly into Ju-hyeong’s eye. Na-gyeong instinctively leans in to help, but from a distance, Jun-mo and Sang-ju catch a glimpse of the moment, misreading it entirely and assuming the two are sharing a kiss.

Drama and misunderstandings are sure to follow!

DramaZen's Opinion

Opinion of Love Andante (2024)

Jun-mo’s speech about why the residents came to Peace Village was a real turning point. With his thoughtful and wise words, he shed light on the deeper reasons behind everyone’s stay, revealing layers of the story we hadn’t seen before. It’s clear he’ll be a guiding force for Ju-hyeong, who’s already taken his advice and approached Na-gyeong with more honesty. There's definitely hope for these two yet!

But as we hit the halfway mark of the series, there's still so much left unexplored with the other characters. The writers had an incredible cast to work with, but it feels like they’ve missed the opportunity to fully tap into that potential. This leaves the show feeling a bit unfinished and lacking depth in some areas. Hopefully, the upcoming episodes will correct this and give the rest of the cast their well-deserved moments in the spotlight.


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